Asca S.R. Aull

Heaven On Earth/Paradis Sur Terre

"Heaven On Earth/Paradis Sur Terre" describes an artistic and philosophical ideology that embraces the aesthetic and spiritual message of cultural and universal beauty.  I seek to present a unified vision of world cultures and environments, uniquely and compositely, focusing on the elements of both day and night exploring cultural and universal nuances that color our lives and tell a collective story of humanity as our forebears inspired to cave paintings.


In practicing film photography, thirty-five years shooting Kodak Ektachrome 100 ASA and Tungsten 160 ASA  35mm diapositive films, I prefer to effect "seconds in time or fractions thereof'' through imaginative observation.  Combining manipulation of lenses, films, spontaneity, the elements of nature and my breath, no tripods, I seek to capture my global subject matter withstanding the tests of time and modernity illustrating and documenting contemporary humanity, history and planet.  

Asca S.R. Aull

Asca S.R. Aull

Heaven On Earth/Paradis Sur Terre

(917) 697-8722

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